
Idioms, Axioms, and Inspiration from one Uninspired Primate.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Quotes from others

"I always have a sense of trembling,
but so does a compass, after all." 
- Jerzy Kosinski

Picture from | Words by Jerzy Kosinski

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday draws the curtain on another week;
so swiftly it slipped my grasp.

Photo © SilentNight @ DeviantArt | Words by Me.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Kid Logic - Cry for Help

Wanna know a secret?

When you toot it is a cry for help from something deep within. 
Picture by / Words by me.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Guy Freibahl's bright idea #1

Guy Freibahl's Bright Idea - Black Friday Inspiration:  

Call me crazy, but next Thanksgiving I think it would be cool to be the first in line at Wal-Mart on the night before Black Friday.  And when the doors open and the crazed, inhuman mob pours over my limp ragdoll body, I’m just going to close my eyes and play dead awhile.  And I’ll keep playing dead until the camera crews arrive.  Then I’ll jump up, do a Tebow, and proclaim it a holiday miracle.  When I tell my inspirational story on the talk show circuit the next morning, people will believe it truly is a holiday miracle because my middle name is Lazarus and what are the odds of that, right?  And when Lifetime makes the movie of my story it will be even more authentic if the real Tim Tebow played my part, because God knows nobody can Tebow like Tebow?   
  Picture by Shaun of the Dead (2004) / Words by Me.
Why would I go to such extremes to spread my tale of Black Friday inspiration, you ask?  Well, I guess it’s because people at parties always tell me I’m real good a playing dead.  Just wait.  You’ll see.

Since we're being honest...

If apologies were honest:

Since we're being honest, I am sorry in the way that I wish you weren't so angry at me, but not sorry in the way that I would have done anything differently.
Picture by / Words by Me.

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Saturday, November 24, 2012


How much can you trust a map from a man
who hasn’t seen or touched the land?

Map of Hyboria + Europe from